Published on 13 March 2009.
The Wright, The Rong, and the rest.
-- Our internals are NOT CANCELLED. They are as per schedule. May be the End-Sem schedule will be tweaked a lil bit. So, start mugging up. And they say our final yr days are shortened, Rumours are doing circles that the sem will end by 20th April..!! Nuthin’s confirmed as yet. Wil do it in the next factorial.
-- Is Renesa truly impartial..? Of course.. It will be very dumb of us to expect anything in the college to be so..!! (All of us are partners in this crime for committees, which has been happening for ages). But Renesa needs to be. After all, it’s the magazine of, for and by the college. The problem with Renesa, and its much acclaimed “Rumour Mill” is that it has been so busy concentrating on affairs of others that its ignoring the link ups and breakups happening right under its nose.
-- Grandmas’..!! What..? What about them..? They are everywhere.. ADM, Hostel Office, Bank, Departments. I don’t have anything against their age. I highly respect that.(lol).. But, they are playing with us like anything dude. Their arrogance and strong headedness is just way too much (“Her highness” in ADM is uncontrollable..). Do we have a reservation for senior citizens in our college ..? Or what..?
-- In the wake of “Great Economic Depression” which’s prevailing right now, I think the time has come for our beloved DB Don, to concentrate on the quality of jobs, rather than quantity. And 3rd yr ppl, i’m getting a really scary feeling thinking about ur placements.
-- Urgently Required. A MAIN SEMINAR HALL. Fuk those 800 capacity, 4 storey, state of the art hostels. We need a seminar hall ASAP. It would be a pity for the students of 9.3/10 accredited institute to be squatting on the floor of the Staff Club for the pre-placement talk of those Multinational Companies.
-- The number of times the floor tiles were changed in Civil and Apmech depts, in the last two semsters – 4
-- Believe it or not. The space between H-10, H-9, H-8 and the main road is to be made into a lush green park..!!
-- Dance auditions were decent enuf, barring some extra-curricular activities but singing auditions were a big joke. Yukk.. They sucked big time.
-- This is for your own good. “Disable segmented downloading ” This will have a bad effect on ur hard drives, forming clusters in it.. U don’t need to know what exactly that is, but do this: (for versions of greylink 5.56 and above) Go to Settings, Upload Slots, and in that small space over there See to it that the box with: “Allow to download via several hubs simultaneously to the same users” is NOT ticked and the box with “Disable simultaneous uploads to the users with same ip” IS ticked. And, for other DC Clients search for similar options as written above and do what is needed.
-- For gods sake.. please use Condoms.. I know some of u have already “been there.. and done that !!..” But, whatever u do, pls use a rubber, India has the highest number of AIDS cases in the world.
-- And those Fake shares which I did. LOL .. LOL . Why are u guys so pissed off, if I fake shared..? I dint share it for months along, or for a day at least. Was goin thru the settings of Greylink and experimented something. Anyways, u guys are not so dumb not to notice that it’s a fake share. And, What’s the “final yr reputation” gotta do with this..? Don’t cry over everything.. As Russell Peters says “ C’mon, Be a Man..!!” So, the reason why everyone’s so concerned is not “Why would he share it?” but “How could he share it ?” Isnt it..? hehehe..
-- It has come to my notice that Factorial 2.0 and its previous versions have deeply hurt the sentiments of the Kashish Team, and Gujarati ppl. Many ppl have PMed me, SMSed me and giving a look on my face as if I’ve been screwing them for eternity. So, for the record, here’s an apology. “Sorry K-Team, sorry G-People.” And the phrase “Feel free to imagine” will be abandoned from further usage. LOL.. I will come up with a new line.
Wanna become an operator for this hub..? Contribute to the factorial.. !! limited edition offer. From now on.. Factorials updated every Saturday.
Let there be light, and some more light on those cry-babies.
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